

New School Project

This week we began a project with our students, supported by colleagues and friends from Calling the Shots and Creative Partnerships. Our current school will eventually become part of a new school, developed within the DfES "Building Schools for the Future" programme. This will result in the development of a through school campus due to open in 2008-9, the disappearence of our current school buildings and a complete reshaping of the landscape around us.

This Cross Curricular, Living History Project seeks to embed the use of digital technologies in logging and documenting the processes of change and transition during the building of the new school complex. It will provide students with the opportunity to develop their skills in using and editing digital photographs, film making and sound recording while they develop a new area of our school website dedicated to the documentary making process. Within this project we are also taking our first, embryonic steps into blogging, and will as the project develops, begin exploring podcasting as a communications medium.

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